knowledge and ignorance

The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him and his family) said: “Surely, Allah does not withdraw knowledge from the people by erasing it from their minds; rather, He does so by taking away the learned people (from among them).” (Al-Amali)



“I swear by My Honor, Majesty, Greatness, Grandeur, Light, and Highness of Position that no servant chooses My wants over his own desires without My angels protecting him; and establishing the Heavens and the Earth to provide for his sustenance; and pursuing his business and protecting his interests; and turning the tables around and making the world to turn out to be in his favor against his expectations.” (Mishkat al-Anwar – h. 40, Imam Baqir (AS) from the Prophet (PBUH) – hadith qudsi)



“Believers are even nobler than the mountains since we can knock down the mountains and destroy them, but nothing can diminish a believer’s faith.” (Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS) – Mishkat h. #237)



“If one tries to escape from his daily bread as he escapes from death, one’s daily bread seeks its owner faster than death does. In fact, God the Almighty has
established comfort and peace in certitude and contentment, and has established sorrow and discomfort in anger and doubt.” (Imam Sadiq (AS) – Mishkat ch. 02, h. 44)



“If He gives away all that the mines of the mountains emit out or the gold, silver, pearls and cuttings of coral which the shells of the ocean throw out, it would not affect his munificence, nor diminish the extent of what He has. (In fact) He would still have such treasures of bounty as would not decrease by the demands of the creatures, because He is that generous Being Whom the begging of beggars cannot make poor nor the pertinacity of beseechers make miser. ” – Imam Ali (AS) (sermon 90)



The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “When the Last Hour comes, if any of you happens to be holding a seedling in his hand, then if he is able to, let him not stand until he has planted it.” (scale of wisdom h. 3209)
