the tree

  • The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Whoever plants a tree and patiently maintains it and tends to it until its fruition, every single fruit consumed from that tree is regarded by Allah as charity. (Mizan Al-Hikmah – h. # 4281)


The Prophet (pbuh) said: “If a servant of Allah was to secretly sin, he would only harm himself, but if he were to commit it openly and he is not stopped, the people would be harmed by it.” (Section 1478, h.#1 pp. 871, scale of wisdom)



“Every single servant who delivers a sermon, Allah, the Exalted will ask him about it and what he meant by it” (Prophet (pbuh) – scale of wisdom 260, #3, pp. 153)



“So in whatever condition these deceitful people are, they should not deceive you, because it is just a long shadow whose term is fixed …” (Imam Ali, Sermon 88)



To God bow all who are in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows also in the mornings and the evenings. (Qur’an 13:15
