the class of Trump + undocumented

Democratic Party’s (Presidential) share of vote for < $30,000 dropped from 64% in 2008 to 53% in 2016. A remarkable feat by Hillary.

Another remarkable liberal feat this election was the drop in share of vote for Demos in the < $50,000 income range from 60% in 2012 to 51% in 2016 ! With Trump expanding that from 38% in 2012 to 45% in 2016!

In 2012 the Demos got 51% of the non-college grad vote – in 2016 liberals decided to trim down the non-degree vote to 43%. In 2012 the Republican share of that vote was 47% – Trump got 52%!

Obama has deported more undocumented than any other US president, approximately 2.5 million (thus far). Trump has promised to deport 2-3 million undocumented – but only those who have committed a crime. “”Felons, not families. Criminals, not children. Gang members, not a mom who’s working hard to provide for her kids. We’ll prioritize, just like law enforcement does every day,” Obama said in November 2014 when announcing his executive action on immigration.”” <—- pretty much the same policy as Trump’s….

More interestingly, Trump has deferred the issue of most undocumented to a later unspecified date – and said that they were “terrific people” (he said somethings similar during the campaign – but was slammed by Republican operatives for implying a path to citizenship). So, how come liberals are just now waking up to the issue of deportations, while silently cheering on Obama for the past 8 years? Excuse me if I dwell a bit on that these demonstrations are little more than attempts by the discredited Democratic Party trying to regain its foothold (funded by Soros et al.)

But aren’t those who voted for Trump just a bunch of racists? If that’s who they are why the massive applause when Trump asks the question about those undocumented who have not committed a crime…? Things are complex.

Here is a cut/paste from a transcript of a FOX New Townhall – where Trump asked a question of the audience re: undocumented and deportations:

But look, let me ask you, the process. So you have somebody that’s been in the country for 20 years, has done a great job, has a job, everything else.  OK. Do we take him and the family, her or him or whatever, and send them out? Are they gone?

Or when somebody really has shown — you know, it’s called, like, the merit system, other than they did break the law in the first place, OK? And that’s a little unfair to people, but we’ll let — we’re going to let people come in anyways. They’ll come in legally. We’re going to let people come in anyway. It’s not going to have an impact.

So do we tell these people to get out, number one, or do we work with them and let them stay in some cases?

OK, are you ready? I’m just curious because it’s a very interesting — no, wait, wait. So the bad ones, the gang members, all them, what do you think? Does anybody disagree on the gang members?


TRUMP: Is there one person — yes, there’s a gang member over there.


TRUMP: OK. Is there one person — and I mean we will get them out so fast. You know, the police know who they are. This is no, like, great secret, like, I wonder who they are. These police know, and the people know who they are.

They know who they are, and they’re going to be gone, like. so fast your head will spin. OK. So that’s easy, right?


TRUMP: So now we have the person 20 years been an upstanding person, the family’s great, everyone’s great. Do we throw them out or do we work with them and try and be…



TRUMP: Ready?


TRUMP: Number one, we’ll say throw out. Number two, we work with them.  Ready? Number one.


TRUMP: Number two.


the class of Trump

Trump overwhelmingly lost California, but a closer look at the counties he won suggests that a deeper class analyses would help in understanding the vote.  The median per capita income of counties that Clinton won is about $29,122 – while the median per capita income of counties where Trump won is about $22,900.  The areas where Clinton won the biggest were also counties with the highest per capita income in California, including Marin with $56790 , San Francisco $48400, and Santa Clara $41510 (Marin is overwhelmingly White, while San Francisco and Santa Clara are going through a population displacement program that will bring in wealthy anti-working class liberal whites, and move out lower income working class peoples of color aka gentrification).

The above, of-course, needs a deeper analyses –  because Clinton won the largest urban counties that are also highly stratified income wise – and that is also where larger numbers of Latinos, and African Americans live, two major groups she won strong.  These two groups, however, also have the lowest incomes, and if we drill down further, we’ll find that things get more complex.

Clearly Trump’s anti-establishment message resonated strongly amongst lower income working class White voters. But he also alienated large numbers of Latino and African American working class voters who went for Clinton – even though she obviously did not represent their interests. IF Trump had not gone off on a racist tangent – it is likely that he would’ve pulled in very large numbers of Latino and African American voters. This population is just as much, if not more, disenchanted with the failures and corruptions of neo-liberalism, unions,  and Democratic Party operatives who promise but deliver nothing, and have made things way worse for everyone.


Maulana Rumi

While new age interpretations of Maulana Rumi have often made him out to be some airy fairy kinda hippy dude … he is hardly ever that when addressing his students/readers/listeners … Maulana Rumi expresses heights of respect, deference, and love for the Prophets (peace and blessings on all of them) and the Awliya (friends of God). But when it comes to regular people – i.e. everyone else – well, he has little or no niceties. This is consistent, because the point of the teachings of tasawwuf or irfan, or even the practice of “exoteric” Islam, is *not* to build up or strengthen the ego …

“If anyone is looking for any purchaser
Other than God,
He is nothing but a donkey.
He’s searching for something to eat
Like a donkey at the green of that sewage* hole. ” -Maulana Rumi (Divan-i Kebir)

*translated as “stock hole” – I think this is referring to the hole around an outhouse – where green may grow.

a concern #blacklivesmatter

The treatment of African American Muslims in the US by Muslims of immigrant background (who, more than often, are either from affluent backgrounds, or are upwardly mobile – proudly proclaimed so by groups such as CAIR and ISNA)- is how they would treat their servants “back home.”

A servant is not allowed to talk back when the master has spoken – but to say (specific to Pakistan) “ji (mem)sahib” (“yes sir, yes maam”). This poison is both a racist and classist mentality – that is not just limited to those who are themselves immigrants, but is passed on to their children, and grandchildren. The children are taught, through innuendos, while outwardly keeping a liberal facade, that the equivalents of servants in the US are two major groups: African American, and to a lesser extent Latino(a). But the brunt of this poison is reserved for African Americans.

Those Muslims (of immigrant background) who wish to be in solidarity with such movements as #blacklivesmatter – must go through a detoxification process before they’ll be of much use. And going through detox means that you do what you are being told / prescribed to do. Talk back to the counselor, but remember that you (who have come to detox) is the one who has the problem.