Author Archives: ali
Imam Baqir (as) said: Humans, Jinns, birds and beasts; all shed tears for Husain bin Ali (as). (Kamil al-Ziyarat h. # 1)
Jaan E Karbala Zainab
Imam Sadiq (as) said: Imam Husain said, “I am the martyrs of tears. No believer remembers me without weeping.”
Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘Every single thing has a measure or a weight, except for tears; for one drop of them can extinguish seas of Fire. If an eye is filled with tears, the face will never be burdened with neediness or humiliation; and if it floods with tears then Allah will make it unlawful for the Fire to touch it. Indeed, if a teary man cries for a community, they all receive mercy.’ Mizan al-Hikmah h. 4454
Tu Hai Mera
the house
The Prophet (sawa) said, ‘When anyone of you enters his own house, he should greet with peace, for it brings down blessings, and angels come to keep him company.’
Sindhi Rag Rano
the ocean
Imam Al- Kazim said : “Luqman said to his son: “the world is a deep ocean in which many worlds hav already drowned, so make Godwariness (taqwa) your boat, faith its content, trust in Allah its sail, reason its custodian, knowledge its guide, and patience its inhabitants.” (Mizan Al-Hikmah h. 4573).