Mulla Muhsin Fayd Kashani (Spiritual Mysteries and Ethical Secrets – translation of Al Haqaiq fi Mahasin al-Akhlaq) suggests a distinction between hope and wish. Hope is based on effort towards attaining the goal – while a wish is devoid of such effort – and misplaced effort is more akin to self-delusion.
Spiritual Mysteries and Ethical Secrets pg. 313
The word ‘hope’ therefore, can be applied correctly to the anticipation of something positive and beloved, where all the necessary preliminary steps that are under one’s control have been put in place, and the only thing let is that which is not under one’s control, which is the Grace of Allah in averting calamities and disasters.
Hope is an essential quality that one may cultivate in one’s self – however for hope to be real and not a confused self-delusion or a mere wish – the preparatory work also needs completion.
Someone once came to Imam al-Sadiq (as) and told him,
‘A group of people who associate themselves with you are engaged in committing sins, but at the same time saying, ‘We hope in His mercy’.
He replied, ‘They are lying and are not our associates. These are people whose wishes swing them back and forth. one who truly hopes for something works for it, and one who fears something flees from it.’